Evento (mostra d’arte, vernissage, cinema, concerto, terme, serata danzante etc)
Fine settimana
Viaggio di piacere o d’affari
Compagnia per un semplice momento di svago ed evasione
Incontri di sesso sia con donne, sia con uomini. Ok a incontri con coppie eterosessuali, bisessuali o gay.
Realizzazione di fantasie, da concordare
Massaggiatore certificato, olistico, sportivo e terapeutico
BDSM come Master
Perdita della verginità
Prima esperienza sessuale
Giochi di ruolo
BFE (Boyfriend experience)
Regalo di compleanno
Addio al nubilato
Interpretazione di ruoli
Modello per foto/video
Foto/video professionali e amatoriali
Istruttore sessuale
Terapia sessuale
Consigli per lui/lei
In coppia con amico/amica professionisti
Show dal vivo per voyeur
Feste esclusive
Personal shopper
Consulente d’immagine
Stilista della depilazione e pubica e del corpo
Consulente e formatore per aspiranti gigolò
Event (Art exhibition, Vernissage, Cinema, Concert, Spa, Dancing Night, etc)
Evening Party
Pleasure or Business Travel
Company for a simple time Relaxation and Escape
Sex Date with both Women and Men. Okay to meet with Heterosexual, Bisexual or Gay Couples
Realization of Fantasies, to be agreed
Male Escort
Certified Holistic, Therapeutic and Sport Massage Therapist
BDSM as a Master
Loss of Virginity
First sexual experience
BFE (Boyfriend Experience)
Birthday Gift
Bachelorette Party
Interpretation of Roles
Model for Photo/Video
Professional and Amateur Photo/Video
Sexual Trainer
Sex Therapy
Advice for Him/Her
Teamed with Boy/Girl Professional Friend
Live Show for Voyeur
Exclusive Parties
Personal Shopper
Image Consultant
Body and Pubic Hair Removal Stylist
Consultant and Trainer for Gigolo Aspiring
To get to know me better you can read my interviews link https://www.lucaborromeo.it/blog.html
You can also find out more about me by watching some of my videos, including several other interviews, at the link https://www.lucaborromeo.it/video.html
Hi there, I am Luca pure ITALIAN guy, 180cm (5'11'') and 84kg (185 lbs) of pure masculinity!
My pics 100% real and recent show how I am in every detail.
I could tell you something more about me but here I prefer to concentrate on describe what I do: my target IS ALWAYS TO PUT YOUR DESIRES ON THE FIRST PLACE and fulfil them in the best way possible, from vanilla to rough sex.
More! If you have special imaginations well I AM YOUR MAN! Fed up with escorts that pay attention only to money and not to your requestes, without feeling any complicity? Well I AM EVEN MORE YOUR MAN! Stop with fast and icy sex, take your time for trying the haute cuisine of this kind of service.
Please feel free to phone me on (+39)3338910103 but don't ask me to text via chat or via SMS, thanks. Last but not least, I LIVE IN MILAN but I can travel throughout Italy and abroad without problem.
You can also find out more about me by watching some of my videos, including several other interviews, at the link https://www.lucaborromeo.it/video.html